Houseplant care

Succulents and Cacti

Most succulents and cacti have a dormant phase during winter, so hardly water them at all from October to March and keep the compost dry. The exception to this rule is epiphytic plants, like Christmas Cacti and Epiphyllums or Rhipsalis. These are tropical succulents that grow on trees, absorbing some moisture from the surrounding air, and they require watering all year round. With succulents, keep an eye on the leaves – if they start to shrivel it’s a sure sign they need a water. If your plant has gone soft and mushy it has started to rot from overwatering. IF IN DOUBT, DO NOT WATER!

In the growing season (spring to autumn), water ONLY when the compost of your plant has completely dried out. Allow the water to completely drain away before placing the plant back in its decorative pot. Never leave it sitting in water. Plants that are in small concrete pots without drainage holes need to be watered carefully using a pipette to give only a few drops at a time.

Feed with Liquid Gold Leaf or other water-soluble plant food from spring to autumn making sure you follow the dilution instructions carefully. Give your plant as much light as you can – a sunny windowsill is perfect for most but check your particular plant’s needs.  Epiphytic succulents will need protection from midday summer sun as they are used to growing under a tree canopy, whereas a Haworthia or Euphorbia can usually tolerate more direct light.


Semi Succulents

This is a category that some Pileas, Tradescantia and Peperomias fall into.  Water these plants when the compost has dried out and water them much less in the winter but keep watering during this period, unlike succulents. They also cannot tolerate direct sun for long periods at the height of summer.


Humidity loving houseplants

Most houseplants that aren’t cacti or succulents come from warm, humid environments like tropical rainforests. Although these plants can tolerate some direct sun at either end of the day, be careful in the height of summer as their leaves can scorch. We recommend a bright spot but out of direct, noonday sun. Allow the compost to dry and the plastic pot to feel light before deciding to water. Do not let your plant sit in water under the plastic pot as this can lead to root rot. Beware of over-watering as this can kill your plant – a rare exception to this rule is Soleirolia, which love to be kept consistently wet. Remember, it is often easier to revive a plant that’s wilted due to drought than one whose roots have started to rot due to overwatering.

Feed with Liquid Gold Leaf or other water-soluble feed during the growing season, spring to autumn, following the dilution instructions. As a general rule, most plants slow down their growth in winter but if your plant is showing signs of actively growing you can continue to feed in winter but dilute it by half of what it recommends on the bottle. These types of houseplants will not mind being misted or getting their leaves wet when watered.


Dry leaved houseplants

These houseplants like humidity but do not like water falling directly on their leaves, for example some Begonias and African Violets. It is therefore a good idea to water from the bottom by placing your plant in a bowl of water and let it absorb the water for about 15 minutes. To increase humidity you can mist the air around them or set them on a tray of clay pebbles that have been soaked in water, but avoid spraying directly on the plant. Grouping your houseplants together also helps them create their own slightly more humid environment. Allow the compost to dry and the plastic pot to feel light before watering. Do not let your plant sit in water in the decorative pot as this can lead to root rot.

Feed with Liquid Gold Leaf or other water-soluble feed during the growing season, spring to autumn, following the dilution instructions.  Water less during the winter.


Oxalis triangularis

These plants can have a very long life and are grown from a rhizome. We grow these plants ourselves and they are planted in peat-free compost in recycled plastic pots. If the rhizomes were planted outside they would go dormant in the winter and regrow the following spring, but as a houseplant they usually keep their leaves all year round. Water when the compost is dry and the plastic pot feels light when lifted. They are nictinastic, which means the leaves open and close in response to light. Keep them in a well-lit spot, but not direct sunlight, turning them so they don’t lean towards the light. Every 2-7 years they can go dormant – if this happens STOP WATERING, let the soil dry out and set the plant aside where you can keep an eye on it. Once a new leaf emerges you can resume watering. Feed during the growing season, spring to autumn, using Liquid Gold Leaf or other water-soluble feed, following the dilution instructions.

Feel free to contact us with plant-related queries (or just tell us how well your plants are doing!). Enjoy your new plant! 

The majority of houseplants need to be kept out of direct sunlight.  A lot of houseplants originate from countries where they naturally grow on the forest floor under the tree canopy.  They therefore prefer indirect sunlight and if kept in full sun are likely to suffer.  Their leaves might become ‘burnt’ and discolour and the plant would not thrive. Obviously this is a generalisation and it is best to check on the plant’s individual needs.  Also NEVER leave a plant sitting in water, when watering always allow the water to fully drain away before replacing your plant back in its decorative pot.  Exceptions to this might be plants that naturally live on the water’s edge and permanently have their roots soaking in water for example Cyperus.

Note: To feed my plants I use a liquid houseplant feed and I also spray their leaves occasionally with a product called SB Invigorator, this acts as a foliar feed and can help control pests such as red spider mite and aphids.

​Tillandsia or air plants are native to Central and Southern America. They are an epiphytic plant which means they grow using a tree or another plant as a support. Tillandsia can come in many shapes and sizes.

Tillandsia prefer bright, indirect sunlight. They can tolerate a couple hours of direct sun, but this is very drying, so plan to supplement their water if they do get direct sun. They can also find air conditioning units and radiators drying so place your Tillandsia away from them.

The best water to use for air plants is rain water; pond or other natural water. This is because they all contain some nutrients whereas tap water contains chlorine and mineral deposits that can kill air plants, so it’s important to only use natural water!  If you don’t have access to rainwater you can use spring water.

Most Tillandsia should be soaked once a week for 20-30 minutes with the exception of Spanish Moss which needs longer, 40 minutes to an hour.

Once they have soaked take them out, gently shake off excess water and place on kitchen towel or tea towel upside down to help water run off the plants. Leave for up to 15 minutes then place back in their usual spot. You can also use an additional air plant mist which contains nutrients and can help feed the plant.

If you have any questions please email us at

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